OUT-FIT Boot Camp Workouts
OUT-FIT Boot Camp Workouts
Welcome to our weekly Boot Camp Workouts
Every week we offer three different ways for you to workout.
We offer weekly indoor small group boot camp workouts in Manhattan, NY
Starting March 1 - Chelsea
Pull up our YouTube Channel on your Smart TV or any other internet connected device and follow along as we do a warm up, strength workout and conditioning workout. All you need is one dumbbell or one kettlebell.
On Your Own
We post the full workouts below for athletes that want to do the workouts but can't come in person or do it online. See the workouts below:
Boot Camp Workout #21
:30/:30/:30/:30 x 6 Rounds
Conditioning Focus 15 Min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
Boot Camp Workout #20
10 Min Unbroken Ascending Ladder
Boot Camp Workout #19
Strength Focus - Workout A
Every 2 Minutes
16 Seated Strict Press (8/arm)
16 Weighted Glute Bridge
32 Sit Ups
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
16 Min EMOM
Min 1: 14 (Snatch + Lunge)
Min 2: 10 Good Mornings + 10 Bent Over Row
Min 3: 14 Burpees Over The Bell
Boot Camp Workout #18
Strength Focus - Workout A
:30 Left Arm Thrusters
:30 Right Arm Thrusters
:30 Bicep Curl Iso Hold
:30 Rest
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Heart Mountain Climbers
5 Russian Swings + 5 Goblet Squats
Love Bugs (Dead Bugs)
Head Over Heals (Donkey Kicks over Bell)
Boot Camp Workout #17
10 Min Unbroken Ascending Ladder
Right: 2 Hang Muscle Clean + 2 Push Jerk
Left: 4 Hang Muscle Clean + 4 Push Jerk
Right: 4 Hang Muscle Clean + 4 Push Jerk
Left: 6 Hang Muscle Clean + 6 Push Jerk
Right: 6 Hang Muscle Clean + 6 Push Jerk
*Alt. Arms every round. Add one rep every other round.
Unbroken = don't put your weight down the entire 10 minutes.
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Every 3 Minutes - 6 Rounds
10 Thruster + Lunge + Lunge (5/arm)
20 Russian Swings
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Sit Ups
Boot Camp Workout #16
Strength Focus - Workout A
:30/:30/:30/:30 6 Rounds
:30 Left Arm Russian Swings
:30 Right Arm Russian Swings
:30 Goblet Squats
:30 Rest
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
4/1 4/1 3/:30 3/:30
Turkish Get Ups
40 Toe Taps to Bell
5/side Plank Drag
Boot Camp Workout #15
Strength Focus - Workout A
Every 2 Minutes - 6 Rounds
3 Tempo Goblet Squats (5550)
7/arm Single Arm Thrusters
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
4/1 4/1 3/:30 3/:30
AMRAP 1 Ascending Ladder
1 Swing + 1 Clean + 1 Reverse Lunge
AMRAP 2 Ascending Ladder
1 Tuck Up + 1 Sit Up + 1 Arch Up
AMRAP 1 Pick up where you left off
AMRAP 2 Pick up where you left off
Boot Camp Workout #14
Strength Focus - Workout A
:30/:30/:30/:30, 6 Rounds
3 Left Strict Press + Push Press for rest of :30
3 Right Strict Press + Push Press for rest of :30
Push Ups
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Every 3 Minutes, 6 Rounds
20 Ski Jumps
20 Single Arm Thrusters (10/arm)
30 Sit Ups
30 Air Squats
Boot Camp Workout #13
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Min Unbroken Ascending Ladder
Left: 1 Snatch + 1 Windmill + 1 Front Squat
Right: 1 Snatch + 1 Windmill + 1 Front Squat
Left: 2 Snatch + 2 Windmill + 2 Front Squat
Right: 2 Snatch + 2 Windmill + 2 Front Squat
Left: 3 Snatch + 3 Windmill + 3 Front Squat
Right: 3 Snatch + 3 Windmill + 3 Front Squat
*Alt. Arms every round. Add one rep every other round.
Unbroken = don't put your weight down the entire 10 minutes.
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Donkey Kicks
Suitcase Reverse Lunges
Hollow Hold
Mountain Climbers
Boot Camp Workout #12
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Min EMOM
Min 1: :25 (L) Push Press :25 (R) Push Press
Min 2: 15 Glute Bridges + Hold
Min 3: :25 (L) Push Press :25 (R) Push Press
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
4/1 4/1 3/:30 3/:30
4 Min AMRAP 1
Ascending Ladder 1 Swing, 1 Clean 1 Reverse Lunge
4 Min AMRAP 2
Ascending Ladder 1 Tuck Up, 1 Sit Up 1 Arch Up
3 Min AMRAP 1 Pick up where you left off
3 Min AMRAP 2 Pick up where you left off
Boot Camp Workout #11
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Min Ascending EMOM
Min 1: Left 16 Snatches
Min 2: Right 16 Snatches
Min 3: Left 18 Snatches
Min 4: Right 18 Snatches
Min 5: Left 20 Snatches
Min 6: Right 20 Snatches
Min 7: Left 22 Snatches
Min 8: Right 22 Snatches
Min 9: Left 24 Snatches
Min 10 Right 24 Snatches
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Floor Press
Burpees Over Bell
Hang Squat Cleans
Boot Camp Workout #10
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Min Unbroken Ascending Ladder
3 Russian Swings
3 Hang Muscle Cleans
3 Strict Press
3 Snatch
*Alt. Arms every round. Add one rep every other round.
Unbroken = don't put your weight down the entire 10 minutes.
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
:20 Work/:10 Rest
Tabata #1 - 8 Rounds
Side Plank Reach Throughs
Rest :30
Tabata 2 - 8 Rounds
Donkey Kicks
Alt. Bell Taps in Plank Hold
Rest :30
Tabata #3 - 8 Rounds
Air Squats
Loaded Bottom Squat Hold
Rest :30
Tabata #4 Pick one of the other 3 and repeat it
Boot Camp Workout #9
Strength Focus - Workout A
:30/:30/:30/:30 6 Rounds
:30 Left Strict Press + AMRAP Overhead Reverse Lunges
:30 Right Strict Press + AMRAP Overhead Reverse Lunges
:30 Side Plank
:30 Rest
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
3 Single Arm Swings + 1 Thruster
Reverse Sit Ups
Toe Taps
Boot Camp Workout #8
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Min Unbroken AMRAP
6 Push Press
6 Hang Muscle Snatch
6 Front Rack Front Squats
*All 18 reps on one side, then switch arms.
Unbroken = don't put your weight down the entire 10 minutes.
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Every 3 Minutes - 6 Rounds
15/arm Alt Russian Single Arm Swings
10/leg Alt Reverse Lunges
30 Bicycles
30 Penguins
*Plank Hold for the remainder of the 3 min clock
Boot Camp Workout #7
Strength Focus - Workout A
:90 Work/:30 Rest, 6 Rounds
10 Floor Press Left
10 Floor Press Right
16 Goblet Squats
Tuck Hollow Hold (for remainder of 90 seconds)
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
4/1 4/1 3/:30 3/:30 (Work/Rest)
7 (1 Push Up + 3 Plank Jacks)
14 Russian Swings
7/arm Bent Over Row
14 Squat Jacks
Boot Camp Workout #6
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Minute Unbroken AMRAP
6 KB/DB Cleans
6 Push Press
6 Overhead Reverse Lunges (3/leg)
*All 18 reps on one side, then switch arms.
Unbroken = don't put your weight down the entire 10 minutes.
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
Toe Taps to Bell
Single Arm Thrusters
DB/KB Snatch
Mountain Climbers
Boot Camp Workout #5
Strength Focus - Workout A
:30/:30/:30/:30 - 5 Rounds
:30 Left Side 8 Romanian Deadlift + Max Bent Over Row
:30 Right Side 8 Romanian Deadlift + Max Bent Over Row
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Rest
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
18 Min EMOM
Min 1: 7/Side Clean & Jerk
Min 2: 25 Air Squats
Min 3: 15-18 Tuck Ups
Boot Camp Workout #4
Strength Focus - Workout A
10 Min EMOM :40 Work/:20 Rest
Min 1: Push Up + Plank Walk
Min 2: Glute Press + Hold
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
4/1 4/1 3/:30 3/:30 (Work/Rest)
5/arm Single Arm Russian Swings
5 Burpees Over Bell
10/Side Mountain Climber
10 Goblet Squats
Boot Camp Workout #3
Strength Focus - Workout A
Every 2 Minutes, 6 Rounds
7/side Snatch + Push Press
7/side Dead Bug
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
DB/KB Squat Clean
Toes to Bell
Plank Hold
5/arm Thruster
Boot Camp Workout #2
Strength Focus - Workout A
Left Floor Press
Right Floor Press
Hollow Hold
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
4/1 4/1 3/:30 3/:30 (Work/Rest)
Ascending Ladder AMRAP 1
Goblet Squats
Burpees Over Bell
Ascending Ladder AMRAP 2
Single Arm Russian Swings
Squat Jacks
Boot Camp Workout #1
Strength Focus - Workout A
:45/:45/:30 (Work/Work/Rest)
Left Arm 3 Cleans + Step Through Lunges
Right Arm 3 Cleans + Step Through Lunges
Conditioning Focus - Workout B
20 Min EMOM
Min 1: 5 Push Ups + 10 Air Squats + 15 Situps
Min 2: 10/Side Ski Jumps
OUT-FIT | 7 Years of encouraging athletes to achieve extraordinary physical goals while maintaining mental health and promoting social equality.