OUT-FIT Total Kicks Off - Nov 3rd, 2024
Get Ready! We’re launching a new seasonal event later this Fall!
The OUT-FIT Total 👊🏾
1 Max Effort Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
1RM Bench Press
1RM Back Squat
1RM Deadlift
We will be programming our next cycle of small group workouts to prepare our athletes for this event. Programming starting in September will be:
Mondays - Pull Ups & Back Squats
Wednesdays - Bench Press & Deadlifts
Movement Standards
Max Set of Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
Pull-Ups = Pronated Grip (palms away). Athletes must fully extend arms (fully open elbows) at the bottom of the movement and have their chin pass the top of the bar. We will define "unbroken" as as many reps as long as both hands stay on the bar at all times. (e.g. pausing at the bottom is allowed)
Bench Press
Athletes have 3 attempts to establish a 1RM. The bar must physically touch your chest and arms (elbows) must come to a complete lock out before reracking.
Back Squat
Questions? email us at training@OUT-FIT.org