Park Workout | Sundays with Buchanan
Plan to join your fellow OUT-FIT athletes for a sweaty Park Partner Workout. This workout is designed for all levels and our first workout that doesn’t require prior CrossFit experience!
If you’ve never worked out with OUT-FIT before, we are ready for you. The workout will start with a check in and a cone based warmup. After that we will review and practice the movements needed for the day and explain the workout and then we will have a 20 minute partner workout.
The Chelsea Park is centrally located in Chelsea. Plan to meet at the NE corner of the park by the handball courts 5 minutes prior to class. Coach Buchanan will have an OUT-FIT T-Shirt on.
Sign Up Here
Date: Sundays
Coach: Buchanan Highhouse
Time: 12pm
Location: Chelsea Ballpark (Meet in NE Corner by the handball courts.)
Price: $15
Cap: 8 Athletes
Check in
Cone warmup
Movement overview, practice & WOD explanation
Set up
20 Min Partner WOD
Stretch Finish
*Subject to change based on each class.
COVID 19: Athletes will be spaced out so that social distancing can and will be maintained.
Recommended: Bring a towel or mat because the turf can get pretty hot in the sun. Definitely bring water.
Cancelations: 24 hour notice required for all cancellations.
Weather: We workout in the rain. If we do need to cancel a class we will email you directly. (Please check your Junk Mail too)
Sign Up Here

You should always consult your physician or other healthcare provider before changing your diet or starting an exercise program.
OUT-FIT | Our 6th year of encouraging athletes to achieve extraordinary physical goals while maintaining mental health and promoting social equality.