
Hello Manhattan! Here are our July Workouts Sat, July 9th - WillyB Bowery (LES) 12:30-1:30pm OUT-FIT Boot Camp Workout1:30-3:pm OUT-FIT Proud Workout Which is the right workout for you? Boot Camp Workouts (Beginner...
Hello Manhattan! Here are our July Workouts Sat, July 9th - WillyB Bowery (LES) 12:30-1:30pm OUT-FIT Boot Camp Workout1:30-3:pm OUT-FIT Proud Workout Which is the right workout for you? Boot Camp Workouts (Beginner...

Holiday Social (2021)
The return of our popular All Levels Workouts is Sat, Dec 4th. It sold out weeks ago! We wanted to give more athletes the opportunity to reconnect with their fellow OUT-FIT...
Holiday Social (2021)
The return of our popular All Levels Workouts is Sat, Dec 4th. It sold out weeks ago! We wanted to give more athletes the opportunity to reconnect with their fellow OUT-FIT...
OUT-FIT Queens | All Levels Street Workout #2
Hello Queens! Our last OUT-FIT Street Workout was such a success we are having another one. Join Coach Tony and Coach Todd for our socially responsible OUT-FIT Street Workout. In order to be socially responsible...
OUT-FIT Queens | All Levels Street Workout #2
Hello Queens! Our last OUT-FIT Street Workout was such a success we are having another one. Join Coach Tony and Coach Todd for our socially responsible OUT-FIT Street Workout. In order to be socially responsible...

OUT-FIT Members Published in Men's Health
"Are you here for the CrossFit?" my driver asks in a thick Russian accent as we go from my AirBNB to the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. "I am,"...
OUT-FIT Members Published in Men's Health
"Are you here for the CrossFit?" my driver asks in a thick Russian accent as we go from my AirBNB to the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. "I am,"...