Sample Virtual Workout (Full Workout)
We are so excited to be bringing your favorite OUT-FIT workouts and coaches directly to you on any mobile device. Athletes will also have access to a live coach online throughout the workout.
Sample Virtual Workout - Full Workout
Our Virtual Workouts can be done at home, in your building gym, in any gym or anywhere with internet access.
These workouts will use one dumbbell or one kettlebell. Coach Cole will be using a dumbbell and Coach Todd will be using a kettlebell. Recommended weights are 35-55lbs, though this varies by athlete. If you have lighter piece of equipment, you can do more than the suggested reps or add a tempo to increase difficulty . If you have a heavier piece of equipment, you can decrease the suggested reps.
If you don't have either pieces of equipment, you may be able to find an odd object at home that you can use.
Wanna see a full workout? Click Here For A Recent Workout
Start Date: Monday, Nov 16th
End Date: Friday, Dec 18th
Days: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Times: 8am EST and 12pm EST
Workout Length: 45 Minutes (give or take a few minutes)
Platform: Zoom
Coaches: Coach Todd & Coach Cole
Price: $10 per virtual session
Free Session: use code "VW10" for your free first workout
Upcoming Workouts - Registration
All Athletes are welcome to join us, though you should always consult your physician or other healthcare provider before changing your diet or starting an exercise program.
Follow the Instagram account for daily posts. If you are on Facebook Like our Page for future events.
OUT-FIT | 6 Years of encouraging athletes to achieve extraordinary physical goals while maintaining mental health and promoting social equality.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Coach Todd at Todd@out-fit.org